
Trusted Windows (PC) download PDQ Deploy 19.0.40. Virus-free and 100% clean download. Get PDQ Deploy alternative downloads. GitFTP-Deploy教程——如何设置GitFTP-Deploy ftp部署工具? GitFTP-Deploy是一款Mac上优秀的Git FTP上传部署工具,能够自动识别改动的文件然后上传到指定的服务器上,简单易用,很不错!今天小编就给大家带来了GitFTP-Deploy教程——如何设置GitFTP-Deploy ftp部署工具?.


When working in a team, it’s important to stick to rules. A common challenge is to build all your projects with a similar or the same toolset and coding guidelines. Only yesterday I discussed how we could port over a project that outgrew its initial codebase over the years to a fresh, React.js-based source code.
The decision for this wasn’t easy, since we had invested quite a lot of work and money into this project already, and a move to React would require quite some time, too. But since the switch makes sense from a technical perspective and the team is already using React for three other projects, we concluded that this would be a good step to do. It will enable more developers of the team to contribute to the project, to review code and to reduce the shift of technologies in the company. Occasionally, it’s time to re-evaluate your projects and move on.


  • Microsoft announced that their JavaScript engine ChakraCore now supports Mac OS and Linux. This means, you can now test and run your Node.js applications not only in Google’s V8 engine. Christian Heilmann wrote up why this is an important step.


  • If you work on small projects, an (S)FTP-client can still be very useful. But on the other hand, it means you need to manually copy files from your git workflow to the server. To solve this issue, the indie developer Jan Östlund built GitFTP-Deploy, a handy (S)FTP tool for a small fee that does automatic deployments based on your git workflow.
  • FallibleInc’s “A practical security guide for web developers” tries to help developers build more secure, less vulnerable solutions. While they claim that it’s by no means a comprehensive guide, it covers stuff based on the most common issues they’ve discovered in the past.
  • I don’t want to be the scapegoat here, but Pokémon Go is very popular, and I read some interesting things about the privacy of the game. For example, not only Alphabet (aka Google) is one of the main investors, but there’s also a financial relationship between the game-maker Niantic and the CIA angel investment company In-Q-Tel. While there’s no evidence on what this could mean for the privacy of users, it definitely means that those companies are highly interested in the data that is provided by the gamers — understandable, as it’d be very hard to get geo information and pictures of private ground in a normal way. I’ve heard that several companies such as BMW already advised their employees that it’s forbidden to play the game at their factory sites and the German army published a similar order to their soldiers. ExpressVPN also published a short summary list with nine privacy issues to consider when playing Pokémon Go.

Web Performance

  • Jake Archibald shares an interesting little fact about the benefits of using rel=noopener: it’s faster.


  • Having a guideline for accessibility that developers can refer to makes sense for every project. Inspiration to create one comes from Vox who published their accessibility guidelines publicly.


  • Krasimir Tsonev wrote an article about React.js in design patterns with some common code snippets that will come in handy in most React.js projects.


  • Git Ftp-deploy

    Work & Life

    • We have some evidence already that multitasking isn’t beneficial for productivity. Lydia Dishman now wrote up what changed when she moved to monotasking for a week. The reason why I found this article particularly interesting, is realizing how much multitasking we do during a normal day without taking note of it.

    Go beyond…

    • Zack Bloom shares what the alternative suggestions of languages were back when CSS was invented and why CSS succeeded.


    Deployment of web applications is a process where application is uploaded fromyour development machine or the source code repository (Git) to a web server andis made accessible to users.

    Deploying PHP application to production or staging environment might not be soobvious task at first and requires some additional attention.

    What does the deployment include?

    During deployment, the source code files are transferred with some of thefollowing additional steps:

    • Checking out specific version of the application from the code repository
    • Dependencies are installed with Composer
    • Web assets (JavaScript, CSS, images) are generated, minified, concatenated…
    • Database schema is migrated
    • Cache is cleared
    • Web server gets restarted

    Modern deployments should be as simple, fast and be able to made often during theapplication life time to meet the requirements. For example, if you change onlysmall portion of your code, only the changed files should be uploaded and notall others. One of the modern deployment approaches is also atomic deployment. Itprovides switching ability between different deployed versions and web serveruses symbolic link to the latest version location.


    When uploading application from the development to production you also want toensure that tests pass and that application works as expected. This step addsdeploying application to another step, for example, a stage.

    Application life cycle management (ALM)


    Application life cycle generally consists of the following steps:

    • Development

      This is where you locally write code, integrate functionality, fix bugs, runtests, commit and push code to a versioning system such as Git.

    • Build
    • Test
    • Deploy

    How to choose the right deployment strategy?

    Pick the tools that you and your team find comfortable to work with and inspectthe available infrastructure options. You will not be able to use a singleapproach for all of your projects. Many projects have their own edge cases andlimits which you must take into account when picking the build and deploymentstrategy.


    FTP is the most basic file transfer approach you might have started with. It isthe easiest way of transferring application files to a web server by using FTPprotocol with some FTP client such as FileZillaor similar. FTP is simple and convenient, but has many weaknesses such as securityrisks, lack of versioning options and also it can be slow with a lot of files.Most shared hosting options provide FTP to upload files to production.

    The git-ftp provides Git version controlsystem with FTP deployment.

    Moving on

    Below are listed some more advanced and convenient deployment methods. You willneed some prerequisite knowledge to link the basic deployment such as FTP andfurther explained methods:

    • Be able to use command line a lot. There is a really nice introduction availablein the art-of-command-line
    • Be familiar with some basic DevOps skills.

    Gitftp-deploy Serial

    System administration is often a very large chapter of its own and will not becovered here in details.

    GIT + SSH

    When working with Git, you can use it to deploy your application as well.

    In short the deployment procedure is the following:

    • Local application development with Git
    • Via SSH access you git pull and checkout possible specific application version

    If using GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab or similar Git hosting service, you can add thedeployment SSH key in the repository.


    Deployer is a PHP cli application which can deploy yourPHP application over multiple protocols, SSH being widely used. After installation,a separate project specific deploy.php file is used to deploy the applicationfrom the Git repository to server via command line.


    • Completely customizable
    • Fast
    • Secure


    • Fabric is a widely used deployment tool written inPython. It works similar as above explained Deployer, it is completely customizable,solid, fast and secure.



    • Very modular
    • Easier server management


    • Very high level DevOps knowledge is required to successfully deploy projectswith Docker.

    Docker deployment strategy can be used in two ways:

    • By building custom images with application code in the images and deployingthem to Docker Registry.

      This is probably the most convenient way to use Docker in production. HoweverDocker Registry with custom images needs to be used.

    • By using Git on the production server and using volumes for code. Images can bebuild on the server itself or downloaded from Docker Registry.

    Some useful resources to run Docker in production:


    Jenkins provides continuous integration and can be used todeploy application into production. The Jenkins ecosystem provides a multitude ofplugins to adjust your application life cycle to your needs. It can be even usedtogether with Docker to build images and run tasks in containers.

    Other deployment options

    Git Ftp Deployed

    • Envoy - A tool to run SSH tasks with PHP.
    • Rocketeer - Deployment tool in PHP.
    • Capistrano - Remote server automation and deploymenttool in Ruby.
    • Apache Ant - Java library and command line tool.
    • Phing - PHP port of the Apache Ant.

    Paid services

    Some limited free and paid options you might want to check out if you want tohave more elegant and less “hacky” solutions:

    • TeamCity - Proprietary deployment tool.
    • DeployHQ - Web based GUI deployment service.


    Platform as a Service include 3rd party services such as Heroku,Zeit, Azure and others.

    See also

    Git Ftp-deploy Review

    To explore more about deployments, check also some of the following resources: