Cisco Vpn Client Download Windows 7 64 Bit

Cisco VPN Client Compatibility

The remote VPN client can be a Cisco device acting as a Cisco VPN hardware client or a PC running the Cisco VPN Client software (Release 4.x or 5.x).

The Cisco VPN Client software is an IPsec client software for Windows, Mac, or Linux users. The Cisco VPN Client software is compatible with the following platforms:

I used cisco client vpn for 1 mth with my windows 7 -64 bit pc. Worked fine for 1 mth. Suddenly today when I double click on the icon to start it up, VPN automatically minimizes down to the task bar with a status of Disconnected. Sep 25, 2014 Cannot get QuickVPN to work from the Windows 7 Professional 64 bit. Hower it will run from a Windows XP Virtual PC running as a guest under the Windows 7 Professional 64 bit. Noted that the failures seem to be related to the 'wget' tests that are performed after the connection has been established.

 •Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)

 •Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit)

 •Windows XP (32-bit)

 •Linux Intel (2.6.x kernel)

 •Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6

You can find the software installers for Cisco VPN Client from the CD that is packed with the device. The CD includes the VPN client packages for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Choose correct VPN client package from the CD to download depending on your operating system.

You can also download the Cisco VPN Client software by using this link:
Then choose Cisco VPN Client.

Note You must log in and possess a valid service contract in order to access the Cisco VPN Clientsoftware. A 3-year Cisco Small Business Support Service Contract(CON-SBS-SVC2) is required to download the client software from If you don’t have one, contact your partner or reseller, or Cisco Support for more information.

For more information about how to download, install, and configure the Cisco VPN Client software, see

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I’ve found that Cisco did not release their VPN Client for 64 bit machines…. so…. who cares !
The problem could be addressed using cygwin and vpnc opensource client.
This tutorial is suitable for people who are a little bit confortable with unix like shell or similar, I will not detail every step such as the cygwin installation steps.
P.s I based this article starting from what I’ve found here , thanks to “Salty”.
1- Install CygWin in Windows 7:
You should install those packages in addition to the base system:
– libgcrypt-devel
– perl
2- You will find on your Desktop the Cygwin link to open the bash prompt.
3- Modify the bash.exe executable to “Run as Administrator”: go to c:cygwinbin search bash.exe, right click on it, go to the “Compatibility” tab and flag “Run as Administrator”
4- Go to and download vpnc-0.5.3.tar.gz
Cisco vpn client win 7 64 bit free download
5- Uncompress the tarball with the command “tar xvfz vpnc-0.5.3.tar.gz”
6- Enter the vpnc-0.5.3 directory with “cd vpnc-0.5.3”
7- Compile and install the vpnc client launcing the command “make install”
8- Download and Install OpenVPN from openvpn-2.1_rc20-install.exe
9- Run the OpenVPN Installater and deselct everything but TAP-Win32 Adapter V9
10- Check the Control Panel –> Network Connection and rename the TAP device as “VPN”
11- Create a configuration file in /etc/vpnc/default.conf as the following:

[cc lang=”bash” width=”600px” tab_size=”2″]
IPSec obfuscated secret YOURREALYLONGHEXVALUE (you can use your clear text password here if you remove obfuscated)
Xauth username YOURUSERNAME
Xauth password YOURPASSWORD
Interface name VPN
Interface mode tap
Local Port 0


12- Now you have to modify the file c:cygwinetcvpncvpnc-script-win.js, I’ve modified what I’ve found on the Theology Web site I mentioned at the top of this article.
[cc lang=”javascript” width=”600px” tab_size=”2″]
// vpnc-script-win.js
// Sets up the Network interface and the routes
// needed by vpnc.

// ————————————————————–
// Utilities
// ————————————————————–

function echo(msg)

function run(cmd)
return (ws.Exec(cmd).StdOut.ReadAll());

// function getDefaultGateway()
// {
// if (run(“route print”).match(/Default Gateway: *(.*)/)) {
// return (RegExp.$1);
// }
// return (“”);
// }

function getDefaultGateway()
var stuff = run(“route print mask”);
var res;
var inal;
//echo (“Stuff” + stuff);
if (res = stuff.match(/ *(.*) *(.*)10/)) {
// echo (“RegExp: “+RegExp.$1+”2: “+ RegExp.$2+” 3:”+RegExp.$3);
//echo (“res :” + res[0]+” THE END!!!”);
inal = res[0].split(/s/);
for (var i = 0; i < inal.length; i++) {
echo (“inal :” + inal[i]);

return (inal[2]);
return (“”);

function getDefaultGatewayOnDisconnect()
var stuff = run(“route print ” + env(“VPNGATEWAY”) + ” mask″);
var res;
var inal;
//echo (“Stuff” + stuff);
if (res = stuff.match(new RegExp(env(“VPNGATEWAY”) + ” *(.*) *(.*)10″,”ig”))) {
//echo (“RegExp: “+RegExp.$1+”2: “+ RegExp.$2+” 3:”+RegExp.$3);
//echo (“res :” + res[0]+” THE END!!!”);
inal = res[0].split(/s/);
for (var i = 0; i < inal.length; i++) {
echo (“inal :” + inal[i]);

return (inal[2]);
return (“”);

// ————————————————————–
// Script starts here
// ————————————————————–

var internal_ip4_netmask = “”

var ws = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”);
var env = ws.Environment(“Process”);

switch (env(“reason”)) {
case “pre-init”:
case “connect”:
var gw = getDefaultGateway();
echo(“Default GW: ” + gw );
echo(“VPN Gateway: ” + env(“VPNGATEWAY”));
echo(“Internal Address: ” + env(“INTERNAL_IP4_ADDRESS”));
echo(“Internal Netmask: ” + env(“INTERNAL_IP4_NETMASK”));
echo(“Interface: ”” + env(“TUNDEV”) + “””);

if (env(“INTERNAL_IP4_NETMASK”)) {
internal_ip4_netmask = env(“INTERNAL_IP4_NETMASK”);

echo(“Configuring ”” + env(“TUNDEV”) + “” interface…”);

run(“netsh interface ip set address ”” + env(“TUNDEV”) + “” static ” +
env(“INTERNAL_IP4_ADDRESS”) + ” ” + internal_ip4_netmask);

Download The Cisco Vpn 64 Bit Client

echo(“Delete Default Route Output: ” + run(“route delete mask”));
echo(“Waiting 5 seconds to add new default route…”);
run(“sleep 5”);
echo(“Adding new VPN Default Route: ” + run(“route add mask ” + env(“INTERNAL_IP4_ADDRESS”)));

// Add direct route for the VPN gateway to avoid routing loops
echo(“Add direct route for the VPN gateway to avoid routing loops”);
echo(“route add ” + env(“VPNGATEWAY”) + ” mask ” + gw);
run(“route add ” + env(“VPNGATEWAY”) +
” mask ” + gw);

echo(“Checking for WINS Servers…”);
if (env(“INTERNAL_IP4_NBNS”)) {
echo(“WINS Found, adding them to the TAP Device…”);
var wins = env(“INTERNAL_IP4_NBNS”).split(/ /);
for (var i = 0; i < wins.length; i++) {
run(“netsh interface ip add wins ”” +
env(“TUNDEV”) + “” ” + wins[i]
+ ” index=” + (i+1));

echo(“Checking for DNS Servers…”);
if (env(“INTERNAL_IP4_DNS”)) {
echo(“DNS Found, adding them to the TAP Device…”);
var dns = env(“INTERNAL_IP4_DNS”).split(/ /);
for (var i = 0; i < dns.length; i++) {
run(“netsh interface ip add dns ”” +
env(“TUNDEV”) + “” ” + dns[i]
+ ” index=” + (i+1));

Cisco Vpn Client Download Windows 7 64-bit


// Add internal network routes
echo(“Configuring networks:”);

if (env(“CISCO_SPLIT_INC”)) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < parseInt(env(“CISCO_SPLIT_INC”)); i++) {
var network = env(“CISCO_SPLIT_INC_” + i + “_ADDR”);
var netmask = env(“CISCO_SPLIT_INC_” + i + “_MASK”);
var netmasklen = env(“CISCO_SPLIT_INC_” + i +
run(“route add ” + network + ” mask ” + netmask +
” ” + env(“INTERNAL_IP4_ADDRESS”));

} else {
echo(“Gateway did not provide network configuration.”);
echo(“Route configuration done.”);

if (env(“CISCO_BANNER”)) {

case “disconnect”:
// Delete direct route for the VPN gateway to avoid
echo(“Cleaning Routes…”);

var gw = getDefaultGatewayOnDisconnect()
echo(“DefaultGW: ” + gw);

Cisco Vpn Client Download Windows 7 64 Bit

echo(“route delete ” + env(“VPNGATEWAY”) + ” mask″);
run(“route delete ” + env(“VPNGATEWAY”) + ” mask″);

echo(“route delete mask “);
run(“route delete mask “);

echo(“route add mask ” + gw);
run(“route add mask ” + gw);


13- Now you should be ready to run the command “vpnc –no-detach”